Sunday, February 28, 2010


Two days missing for the week!  Aghh!

February 23, 2010
I snagged this photo from Shari. After a LONG board meeting, we headed over to Almond's home for bookclub to discuss The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  Almond made a yummy caramel cake, Shari made a pecan pie, and Joan brought a Chocolate pie.  All of the desserts related to the book.

February 24, 2010
On the way home from preschool, Alex and Jack Cape saw a racecar displayed at the Verizon Store. Being the awesom mom that I am, I changed lanes, turned around and took to boys to check it out.  They got to see how a tire is changed, check out the car, and even were given a pin and info card about the Driver.  He's only 23 years old!

February 25, 2010
I didn't get a gret shot, but Alex's music class had a mini show for the parents.  I can't wait to see how the final production turns about and to discover what Alex's solo will be.  They showed us their warm up exercises and sang a few songs for us.

Februrary 26, 2010
Katie was awarded 1st place in the Primary Photography Division for the Gilbert PTA's Reflections Contest.  This year's theme was "Beauty is..."  Katie submitted a collage of 4 pictures that she took at Red Rock Canyon.  She got an awesome trophy.

February 27, 2010
One month before Monster Jam Don and Alex headed down to purchase tickets.  The count down has begun and Alex is super excited.  I have to admit, I'm a bit bummed that I won't be joining them, but I know I'll have a blast at the John Mayer concert that night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


February 16, 2010

How do I celebrate Mardi Gras?  Bookclub of course!  Every 3rd Tuesday I meet with a great group of ladies at Panera Bread to discuss our latest selection.  I've been in charge of this group for over a year now and a member for even longer.  I love the diversity of the group, there are always so many intriguing ideas and perspectives.

February 17, 2010
I got to spend another day in Alex's class.  Today the 2's class had pink shaving cream with glitter in the sensory table.  Alex had a blast playing with the shaving cream.  I'm so glad he can experience things like that, and especially glad that it's at school and not home! Here he is with his main girl, Demi. :)

February 18, 2010
Alex discovered the SI Swim Suit Edition laying on the table today.  It actually distracted him from his lunch! He spend quite a bit of time perusing the addition.  He did end up with his favorites, the girl in the net, the girl with the snake, and the green M&M taking off her shell!

Thursday also means that it's Church night for Katie and me.  Here is a shot of my students.  We made pancakes as an example of a lenten meal and also made "Lent Bags." I have a great group of 7 kids.

February 19, 2010
Today was a teacher work day, so that meant Katie did not have school.  It was the perfect opportunity for a playdate with a classmate.  After dropping Alex off at school, we picked up Kaia. The girls had a great time playing and easily included Alex once he got home. They had fun riding bikes and scooters outside.

February 20, 2010
Don worked over time today, so that left the kids and I with a morning to ourselves. This is one of the first times the kids have been able to play a game by themselves.  Here's a shot of them playing "Guess Who?"  We also played Sorry Sliders together, but then they wanted to play a game without Mom.  After playing games we baked banana bread. It's been a busy morning.  Wonder what trouble we will get into once Don is home!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


February 9, 2010

I just had to snap a picture of Katie's own personal style.  This is the outfit she wore to school, minus the hat.  Instead we put a pony tail in her hair.
I also had to include a picture of Alex at the museum.  After dropping a stylish Katie off at school, we headed to the Leid Children Discovery Museum to meet up with some friends from school.  Here is a shot of Alex & Fiona "flying" the plane.

February 10, 2010
Every Wednesday Katie has KidShine after school.  That means Alex gets to hang out with Grammy while we drive to Summerlin for class.  Alex and Grammy have had a great time. Each week Alex brings games and puzzles and books to play and read with Grammy.  Here's a shot of them before I headed to Katie's school. Alex is holding an Uno game that he brought to play with Grammy.

February 11, 2010
Let's pretend there is a really cool picture here, because I didn't actually take one! I meant to take one at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf where I met Veronica, Dora, & Ivan for drinks while the kids were at KidShine.  Oops!

February 12, 2010
There will be a picture here, just waiting for it from Brian.  The kids went to Kiri's birthday party and had a great time.

February 13, 2010
Don took the kids to go hang out with Uncle Jeff and Gavin.  I decided to call Katie and see if she was up for Bingo.  Yea for me because she was!  Too bad we didn't win.

February 14, 2010
The co-op tradition of swapping hearts for heart collections continued on with some co-op alumni kids.  It was so fun to get some of the kids together to exchange hearts.  Katie had voiced concern earlier in the month that her class didn't do heart collections. Thanks to Ms. Almond for organizing the swap.

February 15, 2010
The month of February is what I always look forward to during the HOT summer months here in Vegas.  I always say, "Well, February is GREAT here."  This weekend proved my point.  The kids spent a lot of time today outside riding bikes with the neighborhood kids.  It felt really great to see so many kids out today. I'm so glad we are starting to meet so many neighbors, too bad it's taken 8 years of living here!

Monday, February 15, 2010


I day missing from this section.  I've planned to take pictures before arriving somewhere, like coffee meet-ups with the girls, but then totally fogotten to take the picture!  At least my camera is usually with me.  Hopefully, capturing everyday will get easier.

I planned to post all the way to the 15th, but it's taking too long to upload the pictures.  I've got to find a easier way to upload.  If you have any hints about uploading multiple pics at once, please share.  I also need to learn where I can find the spell check fuction on this setting.

Februrary 2, 2010
This is how I found Don when I came into the room to go to bed.  It's not the first time I've found him knocked out with the remote in his hand.  I'm sure it won't be the last.  It was fun to show him this picture.
February 3, 2010
I worked in Alex's class today.  I always have a good time and have lots of great photos from the day.  I love this one because it shows Landon helping Alex wash off after playing in the mud.
February 4, 2010
After a great morning playdate with our playgroup, Alex and I headed to our favorite lunch spot, In-N-Out, before heading to Summerlin for KidShine.

February 5, 2010
Katie started piano lessons.  She's very excited. As soon as we got home she began practicing.

February 6, 2010
We met a bunch of our Co-op friends at "The Super Duper Show."  Alex and Katie were both helpers on stage.  The kids loved the show.  B-Rad is so funny!
February 7, 2010
We spent the Superbowl at our friends, the Morrello's, home. The kids didn't watch the game, but had a great time playing outside with a bunch of their friends. There was quite a spead of yummy food and a "Best Dip in the World" contest.  This is a great shot of Alex and Jacob riding in the jeep.

Monday, February 1, 2010


January 23, 2010
I caught Alex reading some books in the playroom.  I just love how he loves to "read."  He is such an observant kid.

  January 24, 2010
We had dinner with the Moyas.  Don and Rueben watched the game while Kerry & I chatted and watched the kids.  It was a great night.

January 25, 2010
Sledding!  Alex's annual field trip to Lee Canyon to go sledding.  He had the best time.  The weather was beautiful and the snow was perfect. The picture is Alex with his teacher, Mrs. Johnston. 

I missed two days, so no pictures on the 27th & 28th. :(  But, as Erin says, January is the practice month and the real challenge starts in February!

January 28, 2010
Another picture of  Alex.  Guess he's the one I spend the most time with.  Thursdays are "KidShine" days and he gets to have class at Mrs. Thompson's house.  Here they are together.

January 29, 2010
Maybe this should be Alex Year in Photos.  Here's another one.  He got shots on Friday. Poor baby had to get four shots.  He's such a trooper though.  Here he is showing on his bandaides.  He broght his own Hot Wheel bandaids. He's looking at himself in the mirror in the picture. However, all day Saturday he had a fever. He always gets a fever after shots.

January 30, 2010
I can't believe I only took one picture today!  Here are some of the bookclub gals enjoying some fondue for the Kristin Hannah party.

January 31, 2010
Katie finally got the nerve to try riding her bike. She's 99% there...just needs a little more confidence. Good thing it doesn't bother her that Alex can already ride his bike like a pro.